Home » Pre & Post Care Electrolysis Treatment
Before your appointment
- Schedule a consultation with a qualified electrologist to assess your skin type, discuss treatment goals, and address any concerns. A one-time non-refundable fee of $40.00 is required for all new patient consults.
- Disclose any medical conditions, medications, or recent sun exposure during the consultation.
- Electrolysis Treatment can NOT be performed if you have the following: Pacemaker, metallic implant, diabetes, pregnancy, medical condition delaying healing process, and are on blood thinning drugs.
- If the following are present: cold sores, inflammatory acne, or other eruptions, it is necessary to reschedule your appointment once the skin is perfectly healed.
- Must be 18 years or older
- Botox and filler should be avoided for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment.
- Drink plenty of water prior to appointment to achieve better treatment results.
After your appointment
- Do NOT touch or rub treated areas
- If scabs are present, do NOT remove them. Apply Cytoderma gel, Polysporin ointment, and or Vitamin E gel 3-5 times a day to speed up the healing process. Removing scabs may leave red marks on the skin lasting several months.
- Keep the treated area clean and use hydrating and healing products. Do NOT use face cloth, facial brush, or sponges
- If you wish to wear makeup over treated area, apply gently using clean fingers. Avoid sponges as they may harbour bacteria.
- To avoid hyperpigmentation, use sun block and avoid sun exposure, including tanning salons for one week.
- If inflammation appears, consult a doctor or pharmacist; apply an ointment with antibiotic or hydrocortisone.