Sunscreen Facts

PERMANENCE: Laser Hair Removal destroys the hair follicle which prevents future hair growth in the targeted area. This takes away any unwanted stubble, leaving your body hair-free and ready for any of life’s most intimate moments.

COMFORT: Most lasers are equipped with a cooling device which acts to ease the discomfort caused by the laser light. This gives the patient a less anxiety inducing alternative to the 1-2-3-TEAR of waxing.

COST-EFFECTIVE: Long-Term gains from Laser Hair Removal as most patients require only 3-4 sessions to permanently eliminate hair. This beats the continuous bi-monthly cost of other alternatives.

POPULARITY: Laser Hair Removal has been extremely well-received by consumers over the past two decades. Its popularity is evident through the extensive supply of its services within the Toronto and North American market. It has been deemed as the most effective and efficient hair removal practice.

FACIAL HAIR: Hair removal alternatives do not offer the precision and effectiveness that is necessary for removing facial hair. On a face, unwanted stubble is hugely undesirable. For men and women this can all be avoided with a handful of Laser Hair Removal sessions.

SPEED: Not only does Laser Hair Removal need fewer sessions than its alternatives, the sessions are short and quick. Each pulse of the laser zaps many hairs at the same time; this causes areas such as the upper lip or chin to be done in less than a minute.

SPECIALTY CASES: Laser Hair Removal can be used to treat certain excess hair growth conditions such as Hypertrichosis or Hirsutism.

EFFICACY: Laser Hair Removal gives predictable and proven results time and time again. Results are less volatile than with certain alternatives, giving a higher level of consistency for the patients.

INGROWN HAIRS: I think we can all agree this is the most irritating part of shaving. Laser Hair Removal eliminates these unwanted grievances leaving you with a smoother and more groomed appearance.

SAFETY: Hair removal lasers have been FDA approved for “permanent hair reduction” in the United States. As a proven and safe alternative your only job is to find a trusted technician to perform the service.


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